
Showing posts from June, 2012

The U.S.A. is a non-profit RELIGIOUS Corporation. The IRS, CIA, Federal Reserve and Social Security are also corporations

Nick Lowder The U.S.A. is a non-profit RELIGIOUS Corporation The IRS, CIA, Federal Reserve and Social Security are also corporations Urban 11-28-4 Editor's Note: This was emailed to us. I have yet to work out who is the author. However, read on and you will see that other's have verified this story. "Still think you're free? Still think all you have to do is vote the incumbent out of office and everything will automatically return to 'normal.' It's too late. Protesting, voting, or - laughably - letters to the editor won't change anything. Look at the corporate info I found at the Delaware Secretary of State website: INTERNAL REVENUE TAX AND AUDIT SERVICE (IRS) For Profit General Delaware Corporation Incorporation Date 7/12/33 File No. 0325720 FEDERAL RESERVE ASSOCIATION (Federal Reserve) Non-profit Delaware Corporation Incorporation Date 9/13/14 File No. 0042817 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AUTHORITY INC. (CIA...

Egypt’s New President Mohamed Morsi Has Called For New 9/11 Investigation

From the Washington Post: Egypt’s new president,  Mohamed Morsi   has long called for the U.S. to hold a “scientific conference” to determine the real culprits of the Sept. 11 attacks, having cast doubt on al Qaeda’s role in 9/11 for years. “The U.S. administration has never presented any evidences on the identity of those who committed that incident,” longtime Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Morsi is quoted as saying in a 2007 posting on  Ikhwanweb , the Islamist group’s official  English website . “The Muslim Brotherhood and others demanded a transparent trial with clear evidence and to have court rulings,” he said after the sixth anniversary of the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people. “We confirm that this isn’t a defense to those who committed these actions, but we only seek the truth.” A report from noted neocon and Israeli firster John Bolton on Fox News immediately went to the attack: