
Showing posts from 2009

Eyewitness Revelations: Confirmed FBI Cover-Up Of Flight 253 Attack

Editor’s note: Detroit attorney Kurt Haskell dropped bombshell revelations concerning his eyewitness experience of the Flight 253 attack and how the FBI detained a second man after dogs detected a bomb in his luggage on The Alex Jones Show today. The FBI has not only ignored Haskell’s story, but they have launched a cover-up by refusing to even acknowledge the existence of another man who filmed the entire flight, including the aborted attack, as well as the well-dressed man who aided the bomber to board the plane even though he had no passport and was on a terror watch list. Watch this space for more stories on this astounding news that the corporate media has completely failed to cover. Kurt Nimmo December 29, 2009 Detroit attorney Kurt Haskell appeared on the Alex Jones Show today and detailed his experience at the Amsterdam airport and on flight 253. Mr. Haskell provided information not covered by the corporate media. In addition to a detailed retelling of the story he...

Vaccine Nation Directors Cut (Gary Null)

The European BioWar outbreak

by Dr Rebecca Carley The biggest story on the Planet today is the outbreak of a veryserious Advanced Biological War virus in Europe. The second biggest story on the Planet is the suppression of this story for almost two weeks by the corporate owned mainstream news media. There is a lot we know and a lot that we can only speculate on about what is unfolding in Central Europe. We know that in mid-October, less than a month ago, there was a growing number of cases of what many thought was Swine Flu (A/H1N1) in the western part of the Ukraine. We know that many hundreds if not thousands of people in western Ukraine witnessed low flying light airplanes aerosol spraying something over Ukrainian cities during the days of October 29, 2009 and October 31, 2009. We know that beginning the night of October 29th, massive numbers of people begin to get very sick. We know that the Ukraine government issued a statement denying that it was doing any aerial spraying to combat the growing disease or aut...

“Gold Finger - A New Take On Operation Grand Slam With A Tungsten Twist”

By: Rob Kirby “Gold Finger - A New Take On Operation Grand Slam With A Tungsten Twist” I’ve already reported on irregular physical gold settlements which occurred in London, England back in the first week of October, 2009. Specifically, these settlements involved the intermediation of at least one Central Bank [The Bank of England] to resolve allocated settlements on behalf of J.P. Morgan and Deutsche Bank – who DID NOT have the gold bullion that they had sold short and were contracted to deliver. At the same time I reported on two other unusual occurrences: 1] - irregularities in the publication of the gold ETF - GLD’s bar list from Sept. 25 – Oct.14 where the length of the bar list went from 1,381 pages to under 200 pages and then back up to 800 or so pages. 2] - reports of 400 oz. “good delivery” bricks of gold found gutted and filled with tungsten within the confines of LBMA approved vaults in Hong Kong. Why Tungsten? If anyone were contemplating creating “fake” gold bars, ...

The Network

90,000 Casualties, but Who’s Counting?

by Kelley B. Vlahos, November 10, 2009 Editor’s note: This article has been updated to reflect new data on total casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan. Veterans Day arrives tomorrow, and with it, the anticipated harvest of heartbreaking anecdotes driving the press coverage and our ever wandering attention back to less desirable realities: the disfigured but persevering hero, the homeless warrior, the unemployable sergeant, the father or son or daughter who came home a stranger and cannot be reached. Usually, there is nothing more powerful than a personal story to pound home the cost of eight years of war overseas, but I think today there is something even more disturbing to bear. It’s the number 89,457 [.doc] . Veterans for Common Sense 1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20003 phone 202-558-4553 fax 866-714-6762 As of Nov. 9, that’s how many American casualties there were in Iraq and Afghanistan since Oct. 7, 2001, when the Afghan war offic...

Happy Veterans Day HR 2640 - The Veterans Disarmament Bill

The video below titled PTSD, Meds and the back door gun ban is a great video proving that the Democratically controlled Congress and White House want to ban gun ownership for a majority of Americans declaring a majority of Americans unfit to own a gun without a trial. Not to be outdone by the Democrats, Conservative News outlets such as Fox News are telling conservatives to stand down on the Health Care Bill, Cap & Trade and HR 2640 saying the proposed bills that are now set for a vote in the Senate after House passage are doomed to fail. Don't buy it we need a grassroots effort of people calling and threatening Senators with there jobs if they vote Yea on any of these Bills.

Pelosi: Jail Time for Those Who Do Not Comply

Americans could face some major consequences for failing to maintain health insurance under the Pelosi health care bill, which was passed in Congress Saturday night. Dave Camp (R-MI), a ranking member of the House Ways and Means Committee, has released a letter from the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT), outlining these consequences. Under Pelosi’s bill, failure to comply with maintaining “acceptable health insurance coverage” for individuals (or for both spouses, in the case of households with joint returns), as well as each dependent child, would result in an additional mandate tax (generally 2.5% of income). If any American decides not to maintain such insurance, and chooses not to pay the mandated tax liability, he or she will be subject to significant civil and criminal penalties. The bill specifically states that if the federal courts find an individual has failed to maintain insurance coverage deemed acceptable by the government, and willfully refused to pay the ...

Fort Hood Shooting 'Oddities'

By Lori Price, Updated: 09 Nov 2009 'Three people are involved. That, by definition, means it is a conspiracy.' CLG Exclusive: Fort Hood: 'This story stinks to high heaven.' SFC, who spent ten years at Fort Hood, comments on Ft. Hood events 09 Nov 2009 I spent 10 years at Ft Hood. There is no way this 'official' story is legitimate. No way would a room full of Combat vets allow this one shooter to get off over 100 rounds! And, it is not normal for the outside security guards to be there. They are at the MP station, and at the main gates. This means the room full of soldiers processing must have been pinned down; multiple shooters is the only plausible scenario. this sounds like MAJ Hasan has been used, and perhaps is a patsy. --SFC Donald Buswell (Retired) * CNN: Over one hundred shots were fired in the attack. (Logic dictates that 'over one hundred shots' were not fired by a single individual, surrounded by military personnel and spe...

Meet the Psychopathocracy


U.S. economic growth claims are fabricated on more debt spending

(CounterThink) – While the White House is celebrating a 3.5% reported growth in GDP last quarter — the first economic growth in a year — they conveniently forget the simple fact that it’s easy to fake economic growth with debt spending. This so-called “growth” was really just the result of the U.S. Treasury flooding the economy with more debt-ridden “stimulus dollars” that will drive the nation even deeper into irreversible debt. That’s not genuine economic growth, it’s just really bad economic planning. For example, if a family is living on credit card debt to buy groceries, and they’re two years behind on credit card payments, and then they suddenly take out a huge cash advance against their credit cards so they can spend even more money, that’s not “economic growth.” That’s just more stupid spending. The U.S. government has done precisely the same thing: It’s spending money it doesn’t have, then claiming “an end to the recession” because the nearly $1 trillion in stimulus dollars di...

The War on the Dollar

Let me show you the most shocking numbers I’ve seen in my lifetime: Up until the day Lehman Brothers collapsed in September of last year, it took the Fed 5,012 days — 13 years and 8 months — to double the cash currency and reserves in the coffers of U.S. banks. In contrast, after the Lehman Brothers collapse, it took Bernanke’s Fed only 112 days to double the size of those reserves. He accelerated the pace of bank reserve expansion by a factor of 45 to 1. Fed's Money Printed Gone Absolutely Wild Even the Fed’s response to the biggest emergencies of the recent past was far smaller by comparison: Before the feared Y2K crisis and after the 9/11 attacks, the Fed’s money infusions were 14 times and 25 times smaller, respectively. Moreover, they were quickly reversed as soon as the crisis subsided. This time, the Fed has done precisely the opposite: Despite its largest money infusion of all time in late 2008, the Fed has added still more reserves in 2009! The end result is a massive supp...